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About me

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Hi. I'm Katie. I'm 17 years old and I love animals.

My experience with animals

I'm currently studying animal management level 3 at Hadlow college

I've looked after cats on my road while their owners are on holiday. They keep asking me every time they go away.

I've looked after chickens since 2013. I feed them, give them water, collect their eggs, keep  them safe from the foxes, and clean out their coop.

My first client gave me a job as a kitten cuddler. I spent two hours a week stroking and playing with rescue kittens to get them used to humans so they could be rehomed.

Why Pink ears pet care?

Cats get stressed in catteries, so it's better for them to stay at home in a familiar place while I feed them. It will also save you the stress of choosing a cattery.

My prices are low because it's early in my career and you're supporting me and giving me experience so that in the future, I can get a job with animals.

In September 2018, an article about Pink ears pet care was published in The Croydon Advertiser.

I've been horse riding for 8 years. I can fill and tie up hay nets, brush horses, pick out their hooves, tie up horses safely and put on and take off saddles, bridles and headcollars.

I did voluntary work at an animal education centre, working with lots of different animals, including goats, capybaras, parrots and guinea pigs. 

I did work experience at a vet last year, before lockdown

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